The world needs storytellers. It’s no exaggeration that we live in strange times.
On this blog you’ll find my Fiction, Essays, Poetry, Projects & Reviews – mostly just things I love – Books, Movies, Games and more.
You’ll find Short Stories and Editorials, based on whatever I want to talk about or link to. I promise you only that whatever I post here will be true to my own voice and platform. It will come from a place of artistry and faith, fearless, that we should all have the time to find and be true to our individual voice.
You’ll also find occasional guest posts from my artistic aquaintances, and a steady flow of self-promotion. 99 Ways To Die, Organomics, Genex of Halcyon, Quin, Katana Wakizashi, Woodard Productions, pictures of my dogs, my Poetry, and all of our projects are the entire reason I am here. To bring you my art. To speak my piece. To fill that void in the world that is shaped like the beating heart of my dreams.

Arch & Gravity Publishing is active on Facebook, Instagram, Amazon & GoodReads. Watch for our new board game, Quin, funded on Kickstarter and shipping late 2023! Check my Store and give a little fuel for the fire.

Contact me with this form, or email me at WalktheHorizon@gmail.com, for Reviews, Donations, Author Queries, Promotional Requests, or to submit your work to the editors at Arch & Gravity Publishing.
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