by Joshua Stelling Lord For those at this table I offer this prayer of thanks Not for this meal Though we are grateful Not for what lay before us Rather for what we leave behind Not for what has been given Today I offer thanks for what we have lost A father, a son, aContinue reading “A Thanksgiving Prayer”
Category Archives: Poetry
No Abyss
A Poem by Joshua L Stelling Nightfall comes down And the day does not forget It fades There is no abyss beyond the hill Yet where I stand Becomes darkness What I saw Turns to memory The shivering leaves Become shades Ghosts embodied by the wind Veins disappear Your cheekbones become clear Moreso in theseContinue reading “No Abyss”
Cry Like A Savage
A Poem by Joshua Stelling The bowstring as a metaphor For a soul to be released A feather shed in wind The shape of a wild eye A sisterhood of the beast An arrow as a metaphor Its ribs against her skin The mare as if to fly She rides like a native through aContinue reading “Cry Like A Savage”
A Poem by Joshua Stelling Lioness through the mist, electric Sky alone to hold her Asking the stars, they are like oranges The tree of creation cannot be seen Leaves coming down like they do Until I realize It is her Previous | Next
A Poem by Joshua L Stelling What does a dancer do To create what you need She is the corner of Infinity And Vine Uncovering divinity And Vine Because we are all prostitutes We are all angels in disguise You and I are the fleck of the spray Of the coming surge And these timesContinue reading “Tsunami”
A Poem by Joshua Stelling Sex is not a demon Says the man with the horns I look in his eyes and see Mine Your body is my temple He says with my dick In his hands In the orgasm of Celestial impertinence We spiral out like galaxies From the beginning to the end StretchingContinue reading “Possessed”
Bear Child
A Poem by Joshua Stelling To me she is the Earth And like the Earth She has a broken heart Unaware sometimes of dawn Rolling hills and stones like tears or crows With eyes that show Epochal sadness washed in oceans Though time is a jewel In the valley of her collar And her skinContinue reading “Bear Child”
No Turn
A Poem by Joshua L Stelling Effortless as receiving a name Is this whole search for character There is no struggle or tragedy Like a turn of a leaf in the wind Decades of desk penance you condemn yourself to Are nothing more than wage slavery In the epic of the rains Finding ourselves isContinue reading “No Turn”
A Poem by Joshua L Stelling The first thing you notice is how she enters a room The break of light over mountains does it justice The crash of color on countless bits of rain The risen sun, the setting day, the start and the finish one and the same A crystal, fountainous with cloudsContinue reading “Two”
A Poem by Joshua L Stelling A covenant made between the seed and tree Is a bridge that links Activists and change Godfathers and today Baton and knee Blood and stone Youth and recklessness Innocent to innocent Toes and knee Thigh and eye Imagination and fortune A vow kissed by the day Never fades WeContinue reading “Promises”