This continues the Organomic Thesis. If you’re new, you may prefer to start with the Primer, or once you have an understanding of these arguments feel free to jump ahead to the math of the Tenets. Year Zero: Progressive Economic Primer I – IIThe Organomic Manifesto III – VThe Tenets of Organomics VI – X4 Books toContinue reading “The Organomic Manifesto”
Tag Archives: Democratic Socialism
Organomics: Year Zero
A Progressive Economic Primer Organomics is a school of economic and social theory, for 2024 and beyond. We’re weaving a new fabric out of modern threads – technological evolution, the Green New Deal, Modern Monetary Theory, the invisible economy, universal basic income, free college, universal healthcare, object oriented economics, automation and more. Organomics is builtContinue reading “Organomics: Year Zero”